The film tells the true story of a dedicated nurse who assists terminally ill patients in finding peace with God and the afterlife. Her journey takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned a new patient, leading to profound revelations and personal growth. Show More
Jonah, a prophet, is sent by God to deliver a warning to the sinful city of Nineveh but runs away instead. After being swallowed by a giant whale, Jonah learns about mercy and obeys God’s command. The people of Nineveh repent, but Jonah struggles to accept that even they deserve forgiveness. This humorous, musical adventure […]
Beyond the Blackboard tells the true story of Stacey Bess, a teacher who takes on the challenge of educating homeless children in a tough inner-city school. Despite limited resources, her dedication and compassion help her students find hope and success. Show More
A charismatic dog named Charlie returns from the afterlife to reclaim his old life but finds himself on a path of redemption when he befriends an orphan girl who can talk to animals. Together, they embark on an adventure filled with heart, humor, and second chances. Show More
A young boy named Brian encounters a life-changing journey after claiming to have seen God. Driven by his newfound faith, he starts performing miracles and inspiring those around him, leading to a mixture of skepticism and awe from the community. As his acts of faith grow, Brian’s family and local officials wrestle with his claims, […]
Lumo Project Films presents The Covenant, a captivating film rooted in the Torah, bringing to life the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and more. A Word-for word narration of the first five books of the Bible. Show More
When young Colton Burpo claims to have visited Heaven during a near-death experience, his vivid descriptions challenge his father and their community’s faith.